SIQHA Breed Show 2015|SIQHA Uzgojna izložba 2015|SIQHA rejska razstava 2015
Congratulation to our VQH team, SweetSurprise MP & Marko Vascer for placing 1st (with 89% according the DQHA Linear judging system) at the SIQHA Breed Show 2015. A big thanks to Marko for all his effort, training, preparing and presenting “Thelma” to judges. They won the “Best couple” Award (award for best looking & presented couple) also! Čestitamo VQH teamu, SweetSurprise MP & Marku Vašcer, … Continue reading SIQHA Breed Show 2015|SIQHA Uzgojna izložba 2015|SIQHA rejska razstava 2015