SIQHA Breed Show 2015|SIQHA Uzgojna izložba 2015|SIQHA rejska razstava 2015

Congratulation to our VQH team, SweetSurprise MP & Marko Vascer for placing 1st (with 89% according the DQHA Linear judging system) at the SIQHA Breed Show 2015. A big thanks to Marko for all his effort, training, preparing and presenting “Thelma” to judges. They won the “Best couple” Award (award for best looking & presented couple) also! Čestitamo VQH teamu, SweetSurprise MP & Marku Vašcer, … Continue reading SIQHA Breed Show 2015|SIQHA Uzgojna izložba 2015|SIQHA rejska razstava 2015

Quote of the month: October|Misao mjeseca: Listopad| Misel meseca: oktober

A lot of people are unhappy with their horse’s performance, but they’re unwilling to change themselves. If you want your horse to change, you have to be willing to change first. That means that you have to find a way to interact with him in a way that he understands, and that starts by educating yourself. Puno ljudi je nezadovoljnih sa radom njihovog konja, ali … Continue reading Quote of the month: October|Misao mjeseca: Listopad| Misel meseca: oktober

Quote of the month: September|Misao mjeseca: Rujan|Misel meseca: september

Permanence, perseverance and persistence in spite of all obstacles, discouragements, and impossibilities: It is this, that in all things distinguishes the strong soul from the weak. Trajnost, upornost i ustrajnost unatoč svim preprekama: to je to, što ističe snažnu osobnost od slabe. Trajnost, stanovitnost in vztrajanje, vsem oviram navkljub: to je to, kar loči močno osebnost od šibke. Chris Cox Continue reading Quote of the month: September|Misao mjeseca: Rujan|Misel meseca: september