Quote of the month – May|Misao mjeseca – Svibanj|Misel meseca – maj

Since horses communicate primarily through body language and feel, they interpret our actions in their own terms. That’s why we need to learn their language – not only to understand what horses are saying to us, but also to know what our position, posture, and movements are saying to them. Each time you interact with your horse, the two of you are having a conversation. … Continue reading Quote of the month – May|Misao mjeseca – Svibanj|Misel meseca – maj

We accompanied ...| Pratili smo ... | Spremili smo ...

… our student Sunny to her new home, KK Osijek, in Osijek, Croatia. Here she is, after a logn and exhausting journey, soaked with rain that cought her in the new pasture, eating and not being stressed at all. We, on the other hand …
… našu studenticu Sunny u njen novi dom, u KK Osijek, Osijek. Evo, tu je sad nakon duge i iscrpljujuče vožnje, mokra od kiše, koja ju je ulovila u novom ispustu, mirno jede i uopšte nije pod stresom. Mi, po drugoj strani …
… našo študentko Sunny v njen novi dom, v KK Osijek, v Osijek, na Hrvaško. Tu zdaj, po dolgi in utrudljivi poti, mokra od dežja, ki jo je ulovil v novem izpustu, mirno je in sploh ne deluje, da bi bila pod stresom. Mi, po drugi strani …

Her new owners. Mr. and Mrs. Sreng, have been really good hosts. We took a tour aroung beautiful old city of Osijek and, of course, tried some fish specialities 🙂
Njeni novi vlastnici, G. i Ga. Šreng, bili su jako dobri domačini. Poveli su nas u razgled prekrasnog starog dijela Osijeka, i, naravno, na kušanje ribljih specialiteta 🙂
Njena nova lastnika, g. in ga. Šreng, sta nas popeljala na ogled starega dela prekrasnega Osijeka in, normalno, na pokušino lokalnih ribjih specialitet 🙂

Quote of the month - March|Misao mjeseca - Ožujak|Misel meseca - marec

When people see something that looks on the surface to be a great trick, it takes away from the real needs and quality of what should be going on. I don’t want to bag anybody, but you go to any horse expo or demonstration and there’s a lot of bridleles, liberty riding going on, and all this sort of stuff – but you still don’t … Continue reading Quote of the month – March|Misao mjeseca – Ožujak|Misel meseca – marec