Celebrating the American Quarter Horse 2011|Dan Američkog Quarter konja 2011|Dan ameriškega quarter konja 2011
We had a great time at Grad Prestranek, Celebrating the American Quarter Horse 2011. Check out the photos 🙂 Dan američkog quarter konja na Gradu Prestranek je bio super. Provjerite na fotografijama 🙂 Na Dnevu ameriškega quarter konja 2011 na Gradu Prestranek smo se imeli super. Preverite na fotografijah 🙂 Markus Rensing and Sascha Ludwig, judges Foto: Bine Šedivy Markus Rensing and Doroteja Foto: Bine … Continue reading Celebrating the American Quarter Horse 2011|Dan Američkog Quarter konja 2011|Dan ameriškega quarter konja 2011