Billy in his new home|Billy u novom domu|Billy v svojem novem domu

Today The Magnificent MP a.k.a. Billy traveled to his new home, to family Ljolje in Croatia! Danas je The Magnificent MP, zvani Billy, putovao u svoj novi dom, kod obitelji Ljolje u Hrvatsku! Danes je The Magnificent MP, po domače Billy, potoval v svoj novi dom, k družini Ljolje na Hrvaško! He was warmly welcomed by his new, colorful family 🙂 Nova šarena obitelj ga … Continue reading Billy in his new home|Billy u novom domu|Billy v svojem novem domu

Quote of the month - March|Misao mjeseca - Ožujak|Misel meseca - marec

Ridin’ a Horse is like dancing, you gotta feel the rhythm and move with it. Ol’ cowboy saying Jahati konja je kao ples, moraš osjetiti ritam i kretati se u tom ritmu. stara kaubojska izreka Jezdenje na konju je kot ples, čutiti moraš ritem in se skladno z njim gibati. stara kavbojska modrost Continue reading Quote of the month – March|Misao mjeseca – Ožujak|Misel meseca – marec

Quote of the month - February|Misao mjeseca - Veljača|Misel meseca - februar

Our modern day Quarter Horses are beautiful versatile animals that can do more jobs well than any breed in history. Horse owners associated with another breed would probably challenge this statement. All I can say is »show me one«. Moderni quarter konji so čudovite vsestranske živali. Dobro lahko opravljajo veliko različnih poslov, več kot katera koli druga pasma v zgodovini. Morda bodo lastniki konj drugih … Continue reading Quote of the month – February|Misao mjeseca – Veljača|Misel meseca – februar

Quote of the month: December|Misao mjeseca: Prosinac| Misel meseca: december

Good horsemanship is no doubt a fine art. People can’t teach people horsemanship. People can help people learn about horses and develop their horsemanship, but it has to come from the horse. The horse is the only one that can and will confirm if your horsemanship is effective. Dobro konjarstvo je brez dvoma kot fina umetnost. Konjarstva ne morejo učiti ljudje. Lahko pomagajo drugim ljudem … Continue reading Quote of the month: December|Misao mjeseca: Prosinac| Misel meseca: december