Quote of the month: August
You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by others doing less. unknown Continue reading Quote of the month: August
You will never be criticized by someone who is doing more than you. You will only be criticized by others doing less. unknown Continue reading Quote of the month: August
AQHA CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 6162181 PSSM1 N/N, HERDA N/N, GBED N/N, HYPP N/N, MH N/N by parentage 2022 filly palomino Whiz A Stranger & Classy Sparkle MP Continue reading Jeanie McFrost MP
SOLD AQHA CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION 6162182 PSSM1 N/N, HERDA N/N, GBED N/N, HYPP N/N, MH N/N by parentage 2022 filly sorrel HH Another Hanka & SweetSurprise MP Continue reading Too Sweet To Miss MP
Eden najpomembnejših dejavnikov, ki vpliva na konjevo ravnotežje, je njegova drža glave (naslon). Kako jo nosi, v kakšnem položaju jo drži, vpliva na porazdelitev teže celotnega telesa, na njegovo uravnoteženost. Nadaljevanje TEGA članka. K čemu stremimo? Želimo izšolati konja, da se mehko ukloni v tilniku, ko ga z nogami porinemo naprej in ga zberemo z rokami. Želimo, da drži lahni kontakt preko brzde in se … Continue reading Naslon (2)
Sit tall in the saddle and hold your head up high. Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky, and live like you ain’t afraid to die. Don’t be scared … just enjoy the ride. Chris LeDoux Continue reading Quote of the month – July
What we learn from our horses is more valuable than anything we teach them. Continue reading Quote of the month – June