Teaching ~ training horses

Capacities for the 2025 season are full, only a few dates available in 2026!
Anyone who decides to entrusts us with basic schooling of his/hers horse, receives our full support and help with building a relationship based on mutual respect and trust. Without the participation of the horse owner education is losing the true purpose.

Each horse receives our full attention and together with the owner we try to find the optimal diet and care for him. We put great emphasis to the basic groundwork, the process of riding is completely adapted to horses physical and mental abilities. The owner gets regular feedback of horse’s progress and obtains an active role is in the final part of schooling. This is also the most important part of the process because only so the owner and the horse shall establish a quality relationship.

We work exclusively on resistance free methods of western horsemanship.

We also help with solving problems that can occur in the relationship and communication with your horse. We are offering REHABILITATION for horses, that were exposed to improper handling or/and training.

For more information please call or send us an e-mail:
+ 386 41 857 401 (Marko)

Don’t take our word for it, arrange a visit and see for yourself!